Monday, May 9, 2011

Doggy Daycare Cannot Replace Exercise...Sadly

We've noticed a trend in the past month or two of people with dogs that have TONS of energy coming to daycare. Of course daycare is, inevitably, going to tire your pup out (regardless of how playful he is during the day) - most dogs are not used to being on alert and awake all day long! And what doggy owner wouldn't want a tired pup? And more importantly, who wouldn't want a tired pup who's had a blast playing with his friends all day long??

However, although your pup is garunteed to come home pooped, this doesn't mean that he's gotten all of the exercise he needs. There are so many benefits to getting your dog out for a nice, long walk - mental exercise, physical exercise, and bonding between the two of you just to name a few. Unfortunately, daycare can't take the place of those things. And even more importantly, it can be unsafe for your dog and other dogs in the daycare if your pup has been cooped up for days and days in the house and only gets out once a week to daycare. His pent up energy will explode in the daycare and will most likely cause the other dogs to become quite agitated.

A much better way of handling this situation: take your dog for a short walk (10-15 minutes) before dropping him off to daycare. That way he'll be nice and calm and ready to play in a safe and healthy way!